TREE DISPUTES WITH NEIGHBOURS: WHAT AUCKLANDERS NEED TO KNOWWhat do you do if your neighbor’s tree is hanging over your property line? Can you cut a tree back if it is overhanging on your property? Of all the things that could occupy your Sunday, the last thing you want to be doing is going to war with your neighbor over trees and branches that infringe upon properties.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT STUMP GRINDINGIf you live on a property with plenty of trees and bush, you’ll know how a terrible storm or a ferocious winter can make a tree unsafe. In the aftermath of a storm, and if a tree is broken or damaged, your arborist may recommend stump grinding and removal as part of their tree services.
AUCKLAND TREE RULES AND REGULATIONS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWWhile many of us have trees on our properties in Auckland, a large number of homeowners are unclear on the local rules and regulations regarding trees, and have no idea which of the trees on a property are protected by the council.
WHAT AUCKLANDERS NEED TO DO AFTER A BAD STORMWith the storms from autumn still fresh in the mind of every Auckland homeowner, it’s important to remember this kind of weather is still a threat as we head toward spring.
HOW TO BE A RESPONSIBLE TREE OWNER IN AUCKLANDI recently came across the term ‘the VUCA world’……heard of it? Well in the context of the HR seminar I was in attendance at let me explain: The discussion was around developing leaders and the importance of agility.
TREE DISEASE IN AUCKLAND: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWI recently read the findings from a survey conducted by PwC – “Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workforce”. While reading the report, I reflected on the many organisations I’ve been part of – either as a consultant or an employee.
SAFETY FIRST – TREE REMOVALI recently read the findings from a survey conducted by PwC – “Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workforce”. While reading the report, I reflected on the many organisations I’ve been part of – either as a consultant or an employee.
A GUIDE TO TREE DISEASES AND THEIR SYMPTOMSThere are countless species of tree in New Zealand and some are more susceptible to disease due to soil quality, climate, water levels or location. Many tree diseases go unnoticed, especially for those who aren’t avid gardeners